Ingrown toenails are a common problem during and post pregnancy due to the increase in lower limb swelling. An ingrown nail occurs when a nail edge grows into the adjacent skin, causing possible redness and swelling. It usually happens on the sides or the ends of the big toes, although it can happen in the lesser toenails as well. If left untreated, it can lead to an infection.
How can a Podiatrist help?
How is it different from going for a pedicure?
Podiatrists are trained medical professionals in managing nail conditions. We use sterilised and specialised medical instruments when removing ingrown toenails to minimise risk of infection. We will also ensure the sides of the nail are filed down properly to prevent recurrence of ingrowing. We often attend to patients who developed infected ingrown toenails due to the pedicurist not trimming the nail appropriately and leaving a sharp edge at the side. Therefore, we would recommend seeing our podiatrists for professional help with your ingrown nails!
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