What you need to know about physiotherapy and podiatry.
Coccydynia, Physiotherapy, Pre & Postnatal
April 4 2022
What is Coccydynia?
Coccydynia is a pain felt in your coccyx, which is the last bone at the bottom of the spine, commonly known as a tailbone. Some women may experience dull, aching or sharp pain in the tailbone, especially during pregnancy or after child-birth.
What are the causes of Coccydynia?
Tailbone pain during pregnancy may be contributed by the release of relaxin hormone, changes in posture and weight gain. These factors affect the stability and support of the pelvis and spine. While in postpartum women, tailbone pain is associated with complex delivery such as with the use of instruments such as forceps or a vacuum.
Signs and Symptoms:
Why should I seek treatment for tailbone pain?
If left untreated, Coccydynia can be debilitating as it affects daily functional activities such as sitting, sit-to-stand movements, and walking. In some cases, bladder, bowel function or even sexual function may be affected as well.
How can Physiotherapy help?
A Women’s Health Physiotherapist will be able to accurately assess, diagnose, and design the appropriate treatment programme to relieve the pain and prevent further deterioration. The management plan will include a combination of the following:
Do not continue suffering with tailbone pain. Our Women’s Health Physiotherapists are here to help! Feel free to contact us at 84813151 for more information or to arrange an appointment.
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