What you need to know about physiotherapy and podiatry.
Physiotherapy, Scoliosis
May 18 2022
Scoliosis is a condition referring to the abnormal curvature of the spine. a person with scoliosis has a spine that curves from side to side or in an “S” or “C” shape.
In Singapore, the prevalence of scoliosis is highest between the growth spurt years of 9 and 15. While scoliosis also affects adults, it is generally less common. Read on as we share more about scoliosis and the three exercises you or your child can try to build strength in the spine. However, if your child has a moderate curve, it is important that they attend regular treatment sessions with a physiotherapist specialised in treating scoliosis.
Scoliosis can be categorised into four types:
In idiopathic scoliosis, there is no single cause. Many factors such as genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and muscle imbalances can cause idiopathic scoliosis .The condition commonly affects children over the age of 10. However, children below the age of 3 and those between 3 – 10 years old can also suffer from a curved spine.
In these cases, people are born with a spinal deformity as a result of a bone malformation.
This condition develops in children with predisposing medical conditions that impair their body’s ability to control the muscles supporting the spine. Some of the most common conditions that result in the development of a curved spine are spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, and cerebral palsy.
Unlike idiopathic scoliosis, this condition of curved spine occurs in older individuals whose spinal discs are deteriorating as a result of ageing. This leads to the development of an abnormal spinal curvature.
Typically, many cases of scoliosis are mild, however, some curves worsen as children grow and may require treatment to prevent the condition from becoming disabling. For moderate curves, bracing may be recommended by your doctor and scoliosis-specific exercises should also be initiated. In cases when scoliosis is severe, your doctor may suggest surgery as the best treatment option to help straighten the curve and prevent it from worsening. If you suspect that your child has a curved spine, it is advisable to consult a doctor or a physiotherapist about an appropriate treatment plan for their scoliosis.
If you or your child has been diagnosed with scoliosis, it is important that you become more aware of your body, especially your spine. By being more aware, you may be able to improve your posture while performing daily activities.
If you have mild scoliosis and are looking for exercises to do, then you can start here! While the following exercises may not necessarily be targeted toward your specific scoliosis diagnosis, they are good starters to get you moving and to improve your strength.
One of the common exercises recommended by scoliosis physiotherapists – start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Flatten your back by tightening your stomach muscles and buttocks. Then, hold for five seconds and breathe normally. It is best to repeat 10 times per set, and two sets each session.
The next exercise that our scoliosis physiotherapists recommend doing on your own would be side planks. This exercise helps to work the two layers of muscle along the sides of your core, and in turn, protect the spine. Before starting this exercise, try to find a mat or a soft surface to perform a side plank on to reduce stress on your arms and feet.
Lie on the concave side of the major curve in your scoliosis, with your legs straight and feet stacked on top of each other. Place the elbow of the side you are lying on, under the shoulder with your forearm pointing away from you, and your hand balled into a fist. Ensure the pinky side of your hand is in contact with the ground. Keep your neck in a neutral position, breathe out, and brace your core. From here, lift your hips off the mat so that you are supporting your weight on the elbow that you are resting on. Your body should be in a straight line from your ankles to your head. We recommend performing this exercise for 15 seconds per set and repeat it for five to 10 times.
A yoga-inspired exercise, begin on your hands and knees with a straight back. Ensure that your hands are directly stacked below your shoulders, with your knees under the hips. From this position, extend one arm straight out and forward as you extend the opposite leg back until it is straight.
In this position, breathe normally and hold for five seconds. Repeat this with the opposite arm and leg, and do 10-15 times on each side.
Aside from the simple exercises mentioned above, scoliosis physiotherapists will also prescribe Schroth exercises as part of the treatment plan for patients with curved spine. These are scoliosis-specific exercises to elongate, de-rotate and stabilise your spine in a corrected position. The exercises will help you to consciously maintain the correct posture while performing daily activities.
These exercises target the endurance and strength of your abdominal, back, and leg muscles – all of which improves your posture, pain levels, as well as self-image.
In Singapore, exercise is the recommended treatment for mild to moderate scoliosis. By seeking treatment early and being proactive in performing these exercises, you may be able to slow the progression of your curved spine and minimise the pain you feel as a result of scoliosis.
It is also important to always seek the opinion of your doctor or physiotherapist before beginning any scoliosis treatment regimen, even if it is to perform simple exercises. At Women and Children’s Centre, our scoliosis physiotherapist is Schroth BSPTS (Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School) Level C1 & C2 Certified and can treat scoliosis in all age groups.
Book an appointment with us today, and let our physiotherapists assist you.
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