What are Kegels? - Women & Children Centre  
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Kegels: What are they?

Physio&SoleClinic Incontinence, Pelvic Floor, Physiotherapy April 4 2022

What are Kegels?

Kegel’s, also known as pelvic floor exercise, was named after a famous gynaecologist Arnold Henry Kegel. He invented a set of exercises along with a device called a perineometer for women who have issues with unintentional urine leakage. 

Kegel’s exercises aim to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle located at the base of the pelvis. If the exercise is done correctly and regularly, it can improve urinary leakage issues.

How can it help me as a woman?

Keeping your pelvic floor muscles healthy is important for all women at any age. These muscles play an important role in routine functions such as passing urine, defecation, and sexual interactions. It also supports the pelvic organs (bladder, womb, and rectum) and stabilises the hips and lower back.

The series of bodily changes during pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause can weaken your pelvic floor muscles. This makes you susceptible to having trouble controlling your pee; having your pelvic organs move out of place or drop out of your vagina; and possibly to have pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.

When should I do it?

Women of any age can benefit from doing Kegel’s exercises, especially for those who are showing signs of pelvic floor muscle weakness. Kegel’s exercises can be done anytime and anywhere! 

It is recommended to visit your pelvic floor physiotherapist for a thorough assessment and have an individualised Kegel’s exercise program. 

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